Seeded Lookups for HireRight eVerification Status for Journeys

The code for the e-verify statuses associated with the seeded lookup type ORA_HRX_US_EVERIFY_STATUSES (E-Verify Status from HireRight) is listed in this table.

Lookup Code Meaning Description
ADDITIONAL_VERIFICATION Institute Additional Verification Allow more time for DHS or SSA to provide the employment eligibility status.
AUTHORIZED Employment Authorized The employee's information matched SSA or DHS records.
CASE_IN_CONTINUANCE Case in Continuance More time is needed to determine a final case result.
DHS_AUTHORIZED DHS Employment Authorized The employee's information matched the DHS records.
DHS_CONTINUANCE DHS Case in Continuance The employee has contacted DHS, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.
DHS_FINAL_NON_CONFIRM DHS Final Non-Confirmation E-Verify cannot verify an employee's employment eligibility even after the employee has contacted DHS.
DHS_IN_PROGRESS DHS Verification in Progress The case is referred to DHS for further verification.
DHS_INFO_REVIEW_REQ DHS Info Review Required Review of the employee's info is required.
DHS_NO_SHOW DHS No Show The employee did not contact DHS within the required eight federal government workdays.
DHS_TENTATIVE_NON_CONFIRM DHS Tentative Non-Confirmation Information does not initially match DHS records.
DRAFT Draft The employee's information is in draft.
DUPLICATE_CASE Duplicate Case The employee's information already exists.
ERROR Error E-Verify is currently down.
FINAL_NON_CONFIRM Final Non-Confirmation E-Verify cannot verify an employee's employment eligibility.
IN_PROGRESS In Progress The case is referred to DHS for further verification.
INFO_REVIEW_REQ Info Review Required Review of the employee's info is required.
ORA_UNKNOWN Unknown The status is unknown.
PHOTO_MATCH_REQD Photo Match Required Indicates that the photo displayed on the E-Verify screen does not match the photo on the employee's document.
PHOTO_MATCHING_REQD Photo Matching Required Indicates that the photo displayed on the E-Verify screen does not match the photo on the employee's document.
REVERIFY_REQUIRED Re-verify Required Review of the employee's info is required.
SCAN_UPLOAD Scan And Upload The employee needs to scan and upload some documents.
SSA_AUTHORIZED SSA Employment Authorized The employee's information matched SSA records.
SSA_CONTINUANCE SSA Case in Continuance The employee has visited an SSA field office, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.
SSA_FINAL_NON_CONFIRM SSA Final Non-Confirmation E-Verify cannot verify an employee's employment eligibility even after the employee has visited or contacted SSA.
SSA_INFO_REVIEW SSA Info Review Required Review of the employee's info is required.
SSA_REVERIFY_REQUIRED SSA Re-verify Required Review of the employee's info is required.
SSA_TENTATIVE_NON_CONFIRM SSA Tentative Non-Confirmation Information does not initially match SSA records.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM Tentative Non-Confirmation Information does not initially match.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM_DHS Tentative Non-Confirmation - Asked by DHS Tentative non-confirmation closing case status.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM_INV_QUERY Tentative Non-Confirmation - Invalid Query Tentative non-confirmation closing case status.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM_NO_AUTH Tentative Non-Confirmation - Unauthorized/Terminated Tentative non-confirmation closing case status.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM_OTHER Tentative Non-Confirmation - Other Tentative non-confirmation closing case status.
TENTATIVE_NONCONFIRM_SSA Tentative Non-Confirmation - Asked by SSA Tentative non-confirmation closing case status.