How Do I Extract Unmasked Bank Account Details In User-Defined Reports?

To extract and display unmasked bank account numbers in user-defined reports, use these data base items (DBIs):

  • Clear Bank Account Number

  • Clear Bank Account IBAN

Use these DBIs from one of these user entities:

By default, the Make EFT Payments and Generate Check Payments process writes unmasked bank account numbers. For any other report that uses the payment XML to write bank account details, set the ORA_PAY_DECRYPTED_ACCOUNT_INFO payroll action parameter to Y, to extract the decrypted bank account and IBAN in the payment XML.

Similarly, use the ORA_PAY_UNMASKED_ACCOUNT_INFO process configuration parameter and set it to Y so that the MASKED_ACCOUNT_NUM tag displays the unmasked, full bank account number in the reports.