Corrective Actions for Payroll Costing Results

These examples show you how to correct, adjust, or update costing information for a payroll run in several typical scenarios.

Correct Incorrect Costing

You receive information from a manager that an employee's housing allowance is charged to the incorrect department account. To review and correct the costing result, follow these steps:

  1. From the Person Process Results or Person Results page, choose Costing Results action

  2. Locate the element with the incorrect cost result.

  3. Review the costing setup information. Be sure to include any costing information entered for the person for the payroll run at the element entry level.

  4. Correct results based on the payroll phase, such as processing a cost adjustment or correcting and retrying the record.

Correct Unallocated Costing

Use the Process Results Summary to review the costing. You notice the graph shows the application has placed a costing entry in the default account.

  1. Click the graph for the Default Account to view the entries.

  2. Identify the records where the allocated costs fall below 100 percent.

  3. Update the costing setup information.

    For example, if you allocated the cost of a person's wages to two departments, update the percentage allocated to each department on the Person Costing page.

  4. Correct the results based on the payroll phase by retrying the record, or processing a cost adjustment.

Update Costing for Future Change

You receive information from the accounting department that an account used to fund the salaries of employees assigned to a project will close at the end of the quarter. You must use a different account to fund and cost the wages at the start of the next quarter.

  1. Search for the latest payroll period costing entries to determine which departments, positions, and workers you pay from the current project fund.

  2. On the Manage Costing of Elements page, locate records with the account that will be closing.

  3. Update the costing setup for the wage element by specifying the date on which the new costing setup takes effect.

  4. Update the account number for the funding source.