Regular Element with Costing Type of Fixed Example
Cost accounts are built from your work structure with the highest costing priority being Context Sensitive Segment and the lowest costing priority being Payroll level.
Example of Regular Element with a Costing Type of Fixed
In this costing example, the flexfield that contains 4 segments, such as company, cost center, expenditure type, and project has a costing type of Fixed and has these costing entries:
Payroll |
Element Eligibility |
Department |
Job |
Element Entry |
Company |
01 |
Cost Center |
100 |
200 |
Expenditure Type |
60001 |
Project |
987654 |
123456 |
Based on the above entries, the costing process determines these costing levels to build the cost account 01.200.60001.987654:
Company is costed at Payroll level.
Cost Center is costed at the Element Entry level.
Expenditure Type is costed at the Element Eligibility level.
Project is costed at the Job level because Job level isn't considered in the hierarchy for Project segment.
The priority account isn't actually part of the hierarchy. The element eligibility level takes highest priority in the hierarchy.