Balance Groups, Attributes, and Usages for Kuwait

Balance groups represent a collection of balance definitions, which you can use to retrieve balance values for reports, archives, and balance views. You manage balance groups in the Payroll Calculation work area.

Important aspects of balance groups and usages include:

  • Balance group level

  • Balance definitions

  • Restrictions

  • Default inclusions

  • Balance group usages

  • Matrix and table formats

  • Sorting

The connection between defined balances and balance groups is managed through balance attributes.

Balance attributes can either be:

  • Created automatically through a defaulting mechanism depending on balance category and dimension.

  • Predefined by localization.

The Kuwait Balances spreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_Kuwait_Payroll_Balances.xlsx contains information on:

  • Defaulting criteria

  • Attributes predefined by Kuwait localization

When a balance that meets defaulting criteria is created in implementation phase the related attribute is automatically associated to the defined balance.

Defaulting criteria and attributes can't be added or modified in the implementation phase.

Balance Groups can be restricted for a specific localization, so that only balances of certain dimensions or categories are associated with a Balance Group. This is done through data that's predefined in the Pay Balance Usage Items table. Data predefined in this table for Kuwait is shown in the Kuwait Balances spreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_Kuwait_Payroll_Balances.xlsx on My Oracle Support (MOS).

Balance Group Level

The balance group level (employee or organization) determines the balance dimensions of the balance definitions that you can include in the group.

Balance Definitions

On the Balance Definitions page of a balance group you can see the balances associated with the balance group. The information includes the balance name, balance dimension, balance category, unit of measurement, and legislative data group. A balance category groups together similar balances. It is similar to the element classifications - for each element classification there is a corresponding balance category. You can also use this page to search for and add balance definitions to your own balance groups and to certain predefined balance groups. If you need to add multiple balance definitions at a time, the Select and Add Balance Definitions dialog is used to hold current selected balance definitions while searching for other balance definitions.


Restrictions control which balance definitions you can add to the balance group. Balance group restrictions are a list of balance categories, a list of balance dimensions, or a list of balance categories and dimensions that belong together. Restrictions limit the balances that you can add to the balance group based on a particular category or dimension or a combination of category and dimension. The Included balances restricted by category and the Included balances restricted by dimension check boxes are automatically updated on the Balance Group Details page as you add restrictions on the Restrictions page. For example, the standard earnings category means that the balance group is restricted to all balances based on the standard earnings category. In addition to standard earnings, this balance group would be restricted to balances for bonus pay, hourly salary, and overtime.

Note: In some situations you can update a restriction if it's not used by balance definitions and default inclusions. The Edit button on the Restriction page is enabled if the selected row can be updated. A balance group may be defined without restrictions.

Default Inclusions

Default inclusions are combinations of balance categories and dimensions. Any balance definitions you subsequently create, manually or through the element template, that meet those criteria are automatically included in the group.

Balance Group Usages

Balance group usages represent an instance of how a particular balance group is used. Balance group usages also store detailed information about how the balance data is formatted. A balance group should have at least one usage but can also have many balance group usages.

Matrix and Table Formats

A balance group usage can use a matrix or table format. For a matrix format, you select balance dimensions as columns in the matrix.

Only the balance dimensions that you select as columns for the matrix are displayed. If you don't specify the balance dimensions as matrix items, they don't display, regardless of what dimensions are contained in the defined balances in the balance group.

If you use the matrix format, you can also select a sorting option for the rows. If you don't select a sorting option, the rows are returned in random order.


Sorting determines the order in which balance types and dimensions display for the balance group usage.

You can select one of the sort methods listed below.

  • Name - Sorts balance values by balance name.

  • Value - Sorts balances by the actual balance value.

  • Static Order - Sorts balance values according to the sequence that you specify in the Sort Items table.

    If you select Table, all the balances in the balance group are returned one line at a time in the table format. If you select the Matrix format, you can add balance dimensions and decide their position in the matrix.