Balances and Statement of Earnings for Kuwait

The online Statement of Earnings is a feature within payroll that allows the end-user to view all the relevant information for an individual employee payroll run or a prepayment in a single place so that the results can be easily viewed and verified.

The SOE feature is part of global product and has been configured to meet country specific requirements.

Scope of this document isn't to describe overall usage of the feature but to explain:

  • Criteria that drives the inclusion of specific balances in certain sections (the ones that contain balances results) of the SOE

  • Predefined data for the SOE for Kuwait localization

  • How you can include user-defined balances in SOE

SOE Sections and Related Balances

Payroll results are displayed in the SOE in several sections.

The following paragraphs mention the sections populated by balance results and for each section the balance groups and related attributed connected to the section are listed.

Note: Kuwait localization hasn't predefined any balance group or attribute for SOE, so the global balance groups are used.

SOE Section: Quick Reference Summary

This section is additionally split into four tabs of which, the following two contain data retrieved from balance results:

  • Gross to Net: This tab includes results for balances (defined balances) connected to balance group: GLB_SUMMARY_GROSS_TO_NET_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to attribute GLB_SUMMARY_GROSS_TO_NET_ATTRIBUTE

  • Information: This tab includes results for defined balances connected to balance group: GLB_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to attribute GLB_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ATTRIBUTE

SOE Section: Earnings

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_SOE_EARNINGS_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to attributes:




SOE Section: Deductions

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_DEDUCTIONS_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to attributes:




SOE Section: Information

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_INFORMATION_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to the attribute GLB_INFORMATION_ATTRIBUTE.

SOE Section: Employer Contributions

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_SOE_EMPLOYER_CHARGES_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to the attribute GLB_EMPLOYER_CHARGES_ATTRIBUTE.

SOE Section: Direct Payments

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_DIRECT_PAYMENTS_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to the attribute GLB_DIRECT_PAYMENTS_ATTRIBUTE.

SOE Section: Taxable Benefits

This section includes results for defined balances connected to the balance group GLB_TAXABLE_BENEFITS_BALANCE_GROUP that's connected to the attribute GLB_TAXABLE_BENEFITS_ATTRIBUTE.

Predefined SOE Data for Kuwait

Kuwait localization uses the global Balance Groups for SOE and consequently the global attributes.

To display balances seeded by Kuwait localization in sections where attributes aren't generated by default, predefined assignment of attributes to a set of defined balances are delivered for Kuwait localization.

The complete list of Kuwait delivered associations between defined balances and attributes is contained in the Kuwait Balances Spreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_KW_Payroll_Balances.xlsx on My Oracle Support (MOS).

For Kuwait, the following connections are defined between balances and sections of SOE report:

  • Gross to Net Summary Section

    • Gross Earnings

    • Total Deductions

    • Net Pay

  • Information Summary Section

    • Contributory Salary

    • Leave Without Pay

    • Subject to Social Insurance

  • Information Section

    • Employee Social Insurance Arrears

    • Monthly Gratuity Accrued

Attributes can't be created or modified in the implementation phase.

User-Defined Balances and SOE

When you need to create a defined balance with a specific balance category that's mapped in the balance attributes defaulting setup, then an attribute is associated to the defined balance. This occurs also for balances created using the template. If that attribute is connected to a balance group that's displayed in a section of SOE, then also the balance you defined can be viewed in SOE.