Consolidation Groups and Payroll Definitions for Kuwait

Consolidation groups and payroll definitions must be set up before running a payroll.

Consolidation Groups

Consolidation groups are used within the organization to enable grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. No consolidation groups are predefined for Kuwait. If you're creating payroll definitions for the implementation, you must define at least one consolidation group first, since it's mandatory information for payroll definitions.

To set up consolidation groups:

  1. Sign in to the application with a role that has implementation privileges, such as APPL_IMP_CONSULTANT.

  2. Select Manage Consolidation Groups in the implementation project task list:

  3. On the Manage Consolidation Groups page, click Add Row:

  4. Enter a name and select the LDG. Description is optional, but useful to provide.

  5. Click Save.

Payroll Definitions

Payroll definitions contain calendar and offset information that determine when payments are calculated and paid. Using payroll definitions, you can specify payment frequency, processing schedule, and other parameters for a particular payroll. Payroll period types, such as weekly or monthly, determine the interval at which you pay employees. Kuwait employees are paid monthly.
Note: A payroll definition with a period type of biweekly can only be created if you have selected either Human Resources or Payroll Interface through the Manage Features by Country or Territory.

Each payroll definition can be associated with only one payroll period type, and you must set up at least one payroll definition for each payroll period type that you use to pay employees. When you create a payroll definition, the complete payroll schedule is automatically generated, based on the selected payroll period type, any offsets or calendar adjustments, and the number of years that you specify. Once you have saved a payroll definition, you can assign employees to it on the Manage Payroll Relationships page.

Before you can create a payroll definition, you must have already defined the LDG and consolidation group. No payroll definitions are predefined for Kuwait.

To set up payroll definitions:

  1. Select Manage Payroll Definitions in the implementation project task list:

  2. Click Create.

  3. Select the LDG for this payroll definition, and click Continue:

  4. On the Create Payroll page, enter the required information:

    • You must select an existing consolidation group.

    • A Default Payment Method must be selected in order to be able to run the prepayment process.

    • Click Add Row in the Valid Payment Methods section to add an organization payment method to use as the default, plus any additional payment methods that are valid for this payroll. You can select any organization payment method defined for the LDG that's linked to this payroll definition.

  5. Click Next, and provide the required information on the Payroll Offsets page:


    • Number of Years: number of years for which payroll calendars are created starting from the Effective As-of-Date.

    • Offset Details: Used to determine the key dates within the monthly payroll process.

    Note: Date paid is used in the EFT file.
  6. Click Next, and review the payroll calendars that have been generated:

    Note: To modify any one of the defaulted dates, the payroll definition that has been created must be updated after it's saved:
  7. Click Next, then finalize the creation of the payroll definition by clicking Submit.