Payroll Balance Definitions for Kuwait

You can use payroll balances to view the accumulation of values over a period of time. Payroll processes, such as Calculate Payroll and Calculate Gross Earnings, update the balance values. The values can be amount, hours, or any other numeric value. You can manage

Most of the balances you require are predefined, and depending on your country extension, the application creates additional balances automatically when you create elements. You can edit the definition of these generated balances, or create additional balances for calculations or reporting.

Here's a look at the important aspects of balance definitions.

  • Balance Categories

  • Balance Types

  • Balance Dimensions and Usages

  • Defined Balances

  • Balance Groups and Attributes

Balance definitions also include balance dimensions and balance feeds. Balance groups are collections of balances that you associate with usages to determine the reports, pages, and processes that use the balances in the group.

Balance Categories

Each balance definition has a predefined balance category for quick processing. Balance categories are specific to a country or territory. Let's take a look at the available global balance categories:

  • Absences

  • Direct Payments

  • Earnings

  • Employer Charges

  • Hours

  • Information

  • Involuntary Deductions

  • Miscellaneous

  • Pre-Statutory Deductions

  • Social Insurance Deductions

  • Supplemental Earnings

  • Total Deductions

  • Total Direct Payments

  • Total Earnings

  • Total Involuntary Deductions

  • Total Payments

  • Total Pre-Statutory Deductions

  • Total Social Insurance Deductions

  • Total Supplemental Earnings

  • Total Voluntary Deductions

  • Voluntary Deductions

When creating a new balance, you must associate it with one of the predefined categories. Keep in mind that you can't add or modify categories during implementation.

Units of Measure

The predefined units of measure available for selection are Day, Hour (with different combinations of minutes and seconds), Integer, Money, and Number. The unit of measure of the balance must match the unit of measure of the element input values that feed it.

Generated Balances and Database Items

The element template creates a primary feed to a new balance when you create:

  • An earnings element in a legislative data group that uses the Payroll Interface country extension.

  • Any element in a legislative data group that uses the Payroll country extension.

You can select the type of extension on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page.

The element template also creates a database item for each balance dimension. You can use the database items in your formulas or HCM extracts to use the value of a balance.

Base Balances

You can specify a base balance when there is a dependent relationship between balances for processing and reporting. Say for example, Loan Repayment could be the base balance for Loan Repayment Arrears.


Only one balance in each legislative data group is predefined as the remuneration balance. This balance generates payments for employees. Say for example, the remuneration balance is Net Pay. This calculated balance is the sum of standard earnings and supplemental earnings minus all the deductions calculated for the run.