Currency Conversion Rates for Qatar

Currency conversion rates needs to be set up before running a payroll for GCC citizens.

To set up currency conversion rates:
  1. Sign in to the application with a role that has implementation privileges, such as APPL_IMP_CONSULTANT.
  2. Select Manage Daily Rates in the implementation project task list.
  3. On the Manage Daily Rates page, navigate to the Daily Rates tab and click Create in Spreadsheet.
  4. Once the spreadsheet is downloaded, it prompts you to log on. Once you're logged on, enter the details. Click Submit and then click OK. The Record Status column will be updated with Row Inserted Successfully if the records are loaded to the interface table.
  5. Select Manage Enterprise HCM Information in the implementation project task list.
  6. Update the ‘Transaction Processing Conversion Rate Type’ field with the desired Currency Rate Type.
    Note: Payroll Process will use the default conversion rate type Corporate if no conversion rate type is associated to Enterprise.
  7. Click Done.