Expand Payslip Name to Include Date and Amount Details

Add information into the payslip title to uniquely identify each document.

This topic applies to the global payslip template.

The payslip document name on the Payslip page includes payment date and net pay in the title and link. With each payslip link uniquely named, it easier to identify and choose the correct payslip to view, print or download.

If you are using a seeded localization payslip templates or your own payslip templates, the name format may differ. For example, if you are using a your own payslip template, you must store the intended payment date and payment date in the respective property fields, Information Date 2 and Issue Date, in your delivery option for the file name. This data is then reflect the payslip title.

You can remove the date and net pay from the document title by setting the Include date and net pay in payslip name (ORA_PAYSLIP_NAME_DETAIL) action parameter to N.
Note: The payslip document name is generated during the process. Therefore, the date shown in the payslip attachment name link won't adhere to the user's date preference set for the UI view.

Change Date Format

In the document name field on your delivery option, enter the date format you want to appear in the document name, such as <MM/DD/YYYY>. If you want to keep the string, such a Payslip, append the date format after the string.

Remove the Existing Document Name

If you have a string, such as Payslip, in the document name field but want to remove it and just display the document name as date and net pay, you can remove the string. However, you must enter the date format that you want to display, such as <MM/DD/YYYY> so that the application knows to remove the delivery option output name as part of the attachment name.

If you decide later to change the action parameter to N because there is no longer a string in the document name field, the attachment name is then the delivery option output name. Re-enter a string in the document name field if you don't want it to be the delivery option output name.