How Do I Set the Payslip Rate Precision Value

The precision value defines how many decimal points the payslip uses when showing rate amounts. While the default is two decimal places, you can change it. Changing the precision value doesn't change the accuracy of the payroll calculations.

To change the default payslip rate precision value, you must change how the rates are captured in the periodic payroll archive.

  1. Start the Payroll Process Configuration task from My Client Groups > Show More > Payroll.

  2. Create a configuration group, and give it a meaningful name.

  3. Select the Details tab, add a row, and select Payslip Rate Precision.

  4. Set the number of decimal places in the Override Value field.

  5. Click Save.

When you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process, use the Process Configuration Group parameter to select this configuration group.

You can modify the precision value set on the report template itself, and this value will override the value you set on the archive process. For example, suppose you want your hourly employees to see four decimal places for rates on their payslips and the salaried employees to see only two decimal places. In this case, follow these steps to make the changes.

  1. Set the Payslip Rate Precision process configuration parameter to four decimal places.

  2. Modify the payslip report template to display the rates with two decimal places only for salaried employees.

To modify the payslip report template, refer to 'How to Configure the Payslip Report Template' in the Help Center.