Calculation Value Definition Overrides for Saudi Arabia

You can override calculation value definitions to customize the social insurance calculation either at an LDG or PSU level.

Calculation value definitions which hold values like GOSI rates, minimum/maximum age, minimum/maximum salary, can be overridden with user-defined values at the Legal Entity level.

LDG Calculation Value Definition Overrides: You can override a calculation value definition defined with a single range at the LDG level by adding additional rows to the delivered calculation value definition.

PSU Calculation Value Definition Overrides: You can override a calculation value definition defined with a single range at the LDG level by entering a value on the PSU Employer Social Insurance Fund Details calculation card.
Note: If all employers within an LDG use the same value for a particular calculation value definition, then that value can be overridden at the calculation value definition at the LDG level. If an you want to use a value that is different from other employers within an LDG then you can override the calculation value definition at the PSU level. This gives the ability to override delivered calculation value definitions used to calculate social insurance or pension fund deductions.

Steps to Override Calculation Value Definitions

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Implementation Projects Workforce Deployment > Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management > Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management > Define Legal Entities for Human Capital Management > Legal Entity Calculation Cards.
  2. Select the scope.
  3. Choose Employer Social Insurance Details.

    Under Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards, click on Add (+) to override calculation value definitions as needed by your business requirements.