Geography Structures for Saudi Arabia

A geography structure is a hierarchical grouping of geography types of a country.

Here's the predefined geography structure for Saudi Arabia:


Geography Type







Use the Geographies task to set the predefined geography structure code SA for Saudi Arabia.

Relate Geography Types

You can determine how a country's geographies are hierarchically related by creating the hierarchy of the geography types in the geography structure. When you define a country's structure, the geography type Country is implicitly at the top of the geography structure with the level 1. The subsequent geography types that you add after country are numbered in sequence.

You must add a geography type as a level in the country structure before you can define a geography for that type in a country. For example, before defining the County, the County geography type must be added to the Saudi Arabia country structure. To quickly create county structure, you can copy a structure from another county and modify the geography types for the county.

Define Geography Types

You can use any of the master reference geography types to create your geography structure. If required, you can create a geography type, before adding it to the country structure. Each geography type is added below the current lowest level.

Note: You can't delete geography types that have associated geography data. You can only delete the lowest level geography type of the country structure.

A geography type that you create within the country structure can be used for other country structures as well.