Approval Options in Time Consumer Sets

Here are the various approval options you configure when you create time consumer sets.

Enable Informational Approval Workflow for Workers

You can send people approval notifications that let them approve or reject their time card. Their approval or reject is acceptance or repudiation of the time card data. This worker approval workflow is separate from the manager approval task and doesn't affect the time card status or processing.

Absence Approval Routing

Specify how you want to handle approvals for absence entries on time cards. The setting applies to all selected time consumers.

  • Absence approval rules: The approval process uses the absence approval task to approve absence entries. It uses the time card approval task to approve worked time entries. The process approves the time card after both approval tasks complete.
  • Time approval rules: The approval process uses the time card approval tasks to approve all time card entries, including absences. To include absences from time cards with only project and absence attributes, you also need to select the Payroll and Project Execution Management time consumers. The time card approval workflow for payroll handles absence approvals. And, all absence data transfers only to project execution management. No absence data transfers to project costing.

Approval Period

To define the approval period for the time consumer, select a repeating time period. For example, you want approvers to approve the time card once every week, so you select a repeating period with a weekly definition.

Caution: The approval period that you select for each consumer must match the time card period set in the time processing profile containing the consumer set. Otherwise, you might get errors when you try to link groups to the profile.

Entry-Level Approval

If you want approvers to see only the time card entries that they need to approve, select this option. If you want approvers to see all time card entries, even those that they can't approve, don't select this option.

Time Data for Approval Rules to Evaluate

Specify the time card data that approval rules should evaluate, either reported time or calculated time with reported absences. If you select entry-level approval for the time consumer, then approval rules can only evaluate reported time.

Required Approval Configuration

Specify whether other time consumers in the set must approve the time card before the time data can transfer to this time consumer. For example, the payroll department wants only the payroll time data approved by both project costing and payroll time approvers.