Best Practices for Explanation Text That Includes Tokens

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when you write text that includes tokens:

  • Include abbreviations in tokens that are easy to recognize.
  • Qualify tokenized text by inserting a word or phrase just before or after the token that describes what the token is.
  • Ensure that the qualifier text and the token name make sense together, as shown here.
    Example of Incorrect Pairing Examples of Correct Pairings
    The time card was approved by the approver {STATUS}.

    The approver {APPROVER_NAME} approved the time card.

    The invoice was approved and now has a {STATUS} status.

  • Read your explanation text without the token to check if the explanation makes sense.
  • Use tokens for numbers carefully. Qualify tokens for numbers that are objects, such as number of hours or time type. If a token represents an amount that could be singular or plural, the text needs to support both scenarios.