Delivered Time Layout Sets

Here are the delivered layout sets used in the delivered time entry profiles. You can also use them in your own time entry profiles. You can't edit them, but you can duplicate them and edit the copies.

  • Payroll Layout Set
  • Projects and Payroll Layout Set
  • Projects Layout Set
  • Projects Layout Set Filtered by Project Team Members
  • Projects Team Membership and Payroll Layout Set
Caution: You need to finish configuring the multiattribute Time Type time card field for the layout set that combines project and payroll time reporting to work.

All these layout sets filter the values in field drop-down lists according to people's primary assignments. The project team layout sets also filter the drop-down list values in project costing and task number fields according to team membership. The Projects and Payroll Layout Set includes absence fields to record and store absence data for transfer to the Project Execution Management time consumer.

To quickly find these layout sets, in the Description field, search for Delivered.