Dependent Time Field

Optionally define dependent time card fields as part of the guided processes to create single-attribute and multiattribute time card fields, and web clock buttons. A dependent field is always a single-attribute field that's related to an independent field or button.

Generally, you identify dependent time attributes from payroll element values, such as rate override, location override, and costing segments. For example, you configure a field so that people need to select a Payroll Time Type value before they can select the dependent State value.

When and where the dependent field appears on the time card or Web Clock depends on the related independent field or button. It also depends on the availability setting. The availability setting specifies whether the field always appears with the independent field or only after people select specific values.

If you've the unified time entry experience enabled, you create single-attribute fields. Instead of just independent time attributes, the Time Attributes drop-down list includes both independent and dependent attributes. The people who can see the field, and where they see it depends on how you configure the field and the layouts that include it. It doesn’t depend on any value selected for the corresponding independent time attribute because the unified experience doesn't let you do this configuration.

Note: If you need fields to appear only after workers select specific attribute values, then continue to use the nonunified environment. You can also post your requirement in Idea Lab.