Enable Time Rule Set and Rule Log Deletion

To manage performance, you can set a logging duration and automatically delete old log files.

  1. Sign in as an application administrator.
  2. On the Settings and Actions menu, select Setup and Maintenance. Open the menu by clicking your sign in on the global header.
  3. On the Tasks panel tab, click Search.
  4. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  5. Search for the profile option code ORA_HWM_RULES_LOG.
  7. In the Site profile level row, enter a profile value from 0 to 24. The number indicates the age, in months, that a log file can reach before you delete.
    • The default value is 6.
    • Entering 0 deletes all entries.
    • The rules engine doesn't keep logs older than 24 months, so any entry over 24 automatically adjusts to 24.
    Manage Administrator Profile Values page showing the profile optioni to select and to edit the Site level profile value.

What to do next

Delete Older Time Rule Set and Rule Log Files