How You Set Allowable Actions for Time Entry

You can specify the actions that individuals, lines managers, and time and labor managers can do by time card status. You can also set the number of days into the past and future they can do the enabled actions.

You make these configurations using the Worker Time Entry Profiles task.

Actions by Status

Enable individuals, line managers, and time and labor managers to create, view, edit, and delete time cards according to your time card policies. For example, you've individuals who report time using Web Clock and correct any time exceptions and issues by submitting change requests. So, you let them only view their Entered, Saved, Submitted, Rejected, and Approved time cards. You've other individuals who report time with time collection devices and you want them to fix any incomplete or in error issues. So, you enable them to edit only incomplete entries on classic and responsive time cards with an Incomplete or In error status. If they’re using enhanced time cards and you enable these edits, individuals can also edit or add entries.

To let individuals edit time entries generated from device events, be sure to also select the Allow edits to times generated from device events option.

Days Before and After

You can optionally set the number of days before and after today that people can do the action for the enabled status. For example, your policy is to let individuals edit submitted time cards up to 5 days before the current date. If that day falls in a prior time card period, they can edit the current and previous time cards if the status is still Submitted.

If you don't set any number of days, people can always do the entry action on their time cards with the enabled statuses. For example, you let individuals edit entered and saved time cards but don't set any number of days before or after. They can edit their entered and saved time cards, regardless of how many time card periods the time cards are in the past or future. But, as soon as the time card status changes to Submitted, they can't edit the time card.