Rule Execution Type Option for Time Calculation Rule Templates

To specify whether rules created with time calculation templates either create additional hours or update existing hours, select a Rule Execution Type option.


Scenario: Threshold 8 Overtime is a time calculation rule that compares reported time to a defined daily threshold of 8 hours. Time worked over the scheduled 8 hours pays at 1.5 times the regular rate of 10 USD per hour.

Results: Here are the calculation details for both rule execution types when reported time is 10 hours.

Rule Execution Type Calculation Description Calculation Example

Rule processing calculates total time of 12 hours, which is 2 hours more than the reported time.

  • It keeps the 10 hours of regular time at the regular hourly rate.
  • It creates 2 hours of premium time at .5 times the regular hourly rate.
(10 hours * 10 USD) + (2 hours *5 USD) = 110 USD

Rule processing calculates total time of 10 hours, which matches the reported time. Processing adjusts the pay rate for 2 of the 10 reported hours.

  • 8 hours of regular time at the regular hourly rate.
  • 2 hours of overtime at 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.
(8 hours * 10 USD) + (2 hours *15 USD) = 110 USD