Suppress Duplicate Messages Display Option for Time Rule Templates

Time entry and device rules might generate repeated messages for the same condition. It depends on the time card action settings in the rule template. Workforce compliance rules might also generate repeated messages for the same condition.

  • To display the message just once, in the Suppress Duplicate Messages Display field, select Yes.
  • To display the message every time an entry or rule meets the condition, select No.

This option works with the Reporting Level option.


A time entry rule produces a warning message when people report more than 20 worked hours for a week. When they save, submit, and resubmit their time cards, they apply the rule.

Someone reports working for 10 hours per day for 5 days and saves the time card each day. Here's how often messages would appear according to the reporting level and whether you suppress duplicate messages.

Reporting Level Suppress Duplicate Messages Display Message Display Frequency
Time Card Either Yes or No Once
Day No 3 successive days after reported time exceeds the 20-hour maximum
Day Yes Once, on the third day when the reported time for the week exceeds the 20-hour maximum