Time Attestations

You can identify if people are complying with time policies and various regulations. You do this by having people attest to more information when they report time using Web Clock or responsive time cards.

You can configure these attestations to appear for the time card. For example, you've an attestation that prompts workers to attest they took their meal break if they worked more than 5 hours. Or you can configure attestations to appear when specified events or actions occur. For example, show a meal attestation when someone clocks out at the end of their shift, or when they save their time card. You can also have attestations appear when certain conditions get met. For example, show an attestation after a specific elapsed Web Clock duration, for a specified time entry duration, or for specific time attributes.

Time-card level attestations appear every time the worker submits their time card for approval and the attestation display conditions are met. Detail-level and day-level attestations appear only once. Submitted attestations are viewable only in attestation history opened from the time card.