Time Consumer Sets

Typically, other applications use, or consume, your time data in their processes. These are the other Oracle Cloud products and offering that consume time data from Time and Labor:

  • Global Payroll, to pay people
  • Project Costing, to bill customers for time worked on projects
  • Project Execution Management offering of Project Portfolio Management, to figure out staffing for projects

You identify the consumers that consume time data for specific groups of people using a time consumer set. The set is also how you configure the consumer validation rules, approval periods, and transfer rules that apply for the linked groups. Link a time consumer set with groups using time processing profiles, as shown here.

Diagram of how time consumer sets are linked to people
Tip: You can't edit any time consumer sets associated with a worker time processing profile. Also, after you save a new time consumer set, you can't include new time consumers in the set. And you can't exclude existing time consumers from it.