Dimensions and Range Increments in Worksheet Models and Plan Reports

Dimensions are attributes that you use to group data in reports for workforce compensation plans. You also use them as criteria when building worksheet models.

For example, reports can analyze compensation allocations by country and job dimensions to see how average allocations vary. Models can automatically allocate salary adjustment amounts to people who work in specified country and location dimensions.

You enable the dimensions that have meaning to your organization within the context of the plan when you configure reports. Here are some examples of delivered dimensions:

  • Country
  • Department
  • Years of service
  • Performance management rating
  • Location
  • Job
  • Position
  • Grade

You can also use delivered job attributes, grade attributes, user-defined worksheet columns, and compensation attributes, to define your own dimensions for reports and modeling criteria.

Range Increments

Instead of showing a separate data point for each person, report graphs and tables and model tables show aggregated data for groups of people. You set compa-ratio, salary range position, years employed, and performance management calculated rating range increments as appropriate for the plan reports and models. For example, you have a plan that uses compa-ratio to group data in increments of 10 percentage points. The plan reports and models group together everyone whose compa-ratio falls between 10 and 20, 20 and 30, 30 and 40, and so on.