Evaluation Order, Sequence, and the Default Condition of Dynamic Worksheet Columns

The evaluation order of dynamic columns identifies the calculation order when the condition of one column uses the results of another column.

For example, you build the dynamic column condition of the Target Compensation Amount Minimum component column to use eligible salary. You set the evaluation order to 1 for the dynamic column of the Eligible Salary component column. And you set the evaluation order to 2 for the corresponding Target Compensation Amount Minimum component column. This way the dynamic column for target compensation uses the appropriate eligible salary in its conditions.

Sequence and Default Condition

The sequence identifies the calculation order for conditions on the same Dynamic Column page. The worksheet evaluates every condition for the column in sequence order. The default condition is the condition to use when no other conditions are met, so it has to always be the highest sequence. For example, condition 1 gives people with a performance rating of 5 a 10% bonus. For people who don't have a 5, condition 2 checks to see if they have a 4. If they do, they get a 5% bonus. Condition 3, the default condition, says that everyone else doesn't get a bonus. If you don't select a default condition and no conditions are met, the column displays no values.

Configure conditions that cover the most workers with the highest sequence numbers to improve worksheet and batch process performance. Test a few dynamic calculations at a time to assess the performance impact and decide what level of impact the plan audience can accept.