Generate Compensation Zone and Address Mapping

For salary range differentials with compensation zone criteria, differential processing finds the zone and zone type each time someone views and adjusts the salary amount.

The differential process does this by evaluating the person's maintained addresses against the defined compensation zones. Depending on the number of zones, zone types, and address details, this evaluation can be time consuming. To see the correct salary ranges in Oracle Fusion Cloud Workforce Compensation and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reports, run the Generate Compensation Zone and Address Mapping process. Also run it to optimize differential processing because it finds the compensation zone and zone type for each address, and stores them for immediate reference.

You can run the generate process in two modes.

Run Mode Descriptions
Create incremental mappings Creates mappings between zones and zone types that match the specified parameters and person or work location addresses when something changed or is new
Purge and recreate mappings

Purges all existing mappings

Creates the maps again between the zones and zone types that match the specified parameters and all person or work location addresses

Here's how we recommend that you schedule the process.

Schedule Mode Descriptions
One-Time Run the mapping process to create all zone mappings for both work location and person addresses. You might use this mode to create a baseline. You might also use it to update work location addresses because they change infrequently.
Recurring Schedule the mapping process to run regularly to create incremental zone mappings. You might use this mode to update person addresses for remote workers because they can change more often. For example, client work locations change as the person moves changes projects.

The generated mappings improve the performance of responsive pages with salary information. The differential process knows the person's compensation zone and can apply the relevant differential to salary range calculations. Here's the high-level process flow.

Data flow for the Generate Compensation Zone and Address Mapping process.

When the mapping isn't available, differential processing finds the zone and zone type for the person or work address. It then applies the relevant differential.