Global Compensation Settings for Defaulting Salary from Grade Ladder Rates

To specify the behavior of defaulting salary from grade ladder rates, use the grade step progression settings.

If the Redwood experience is enabled, use the Grade Step Progression Settings task. Otherwise use the Configure Global Settings task, where the relevant settings are in the Grade Step Progression section of the page.

Update Salary If Proposed Salary Is Less Than Current Salary

During HR actions, such as Hire and Promote default salary amounts when proposed salary amounts are less than the current salary amounts. Also default salary amounts when proposed component amounts are less than the current component amounts.

Outcome Wanted Salary Basis Type Option to Select
Defaulted proposed salary amount can be less than the current salary amount Salary amount is determined by user Update salary if proposed salary is less than current salary
Defaulted simple component amount can be less than the current component amount Salary amount is determined by simple components

Prevent Salary Default When Salary Record Exists with a Future Date

When there’s a future record during HR actions, such as Change Assignment and Promote, default the salary or component amount. Control whether the amount defaults from the grade ladder when there’s a future salary record, with the Prevent salary default when salary record exists with a future date setting. A salary record with a date after the transaction date is considered a future salary record.

  • Enable the setting to prevent the salary from defaulting when there’s a future salary record.
  • Disable the setting to default the salary when there’s a future salary record.