How the Options to Track and Hide Ineligible People Affect Plan Worksheets

You determine which people the Start Workforce Compensation Cycle and Refresh Workforce Compensation Data processes include on the plan worksheets.

Track Ineligible Workers Hide Ineligible Workers Worksheet Effects of Start Process Worksheet Effects of Refresh Process
Selected Selected Doesn't add newly evaluated people it found ineligible to the worksheet. People found ineligible midcycle drop off the worksheet.
Selected Cleared Adds newly evaluated people it found ineligible to the worksheet. People found ineligible midcycle remain on the worksheet. This includes people whose termination date is between the cycle evaluation start date and the HR data extraction date.
Cleared Selected Doesn't add newly evaluated people it found ineligible to the worksheet. People found ineligible midcycle drop off the worksheet.
Cleared Cleared Doesn't add newly evaluated people it found ineligible to the worksheet. People found ineligible midcycle remain on the worksheet. This includes people who meet the eligibility criteria and whose termination date is between the cycle evaluation start date and the HR data extraction date.