Optional Simple Components in Salary Bases

People proposing salary add or remove optional simple components in responsive flows using the Choose Components menu. They’re included at the end of the salary details table instead of the position specified by the sequence set on the salary basis.

The optional components do appear in the specified sequence when people view salary history.

HCM specialists and line managers all see the same optional components for the salary basis. If you need only HCM specialists to add them, consider adding guidance on pages with salary information that discourages line managers from adding them.

Tip: You can't include simple components when you use classic Change Salary pages or Salary sections.

You've three options for the Optional attribute:

Option Effect on the Simple Component
No It's required and appears in all salary changes.
Yes, don't carry forward It’s optional and won't ever appear automatically when proposing or creating salary through scheduled processes, HCM Data Loader, and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. The person proposing a salary change needs to select the component to include it in their proposal. They need to do this for each salary proposal, even if the current salary includes the optional component.
Yes, carry forward

It’s optional and won’t automatically appear as a part of the first salary proposal. The person proposing a salary change needs to select the component to include it in their proposal. After they include, it continues to appear in future salary changes.

For example, the salary basis has car allowance set as an optional component to carry forward. A line manager adds the car allowance to their worker’s salary change. All future salary proposals for that worker continue to include the car allowance component until it’s explicitly removed.