Options for Displaying Graphs in Total Compensation Statement

You can display up to two graphs for each category. If you include a summary page in the statement, you can also include up to two graphs each in the Monetary and Nonmonetary sections of the summary.

For each graph that you decide to display, you must specify:

  • Graph type: Pie chart or various types of bar chart

  • Columns included in the graph: Worker contributions, company contributions, or both.

Graphs: Restrictions

A graph must not include columns containing:

  • Text or dates

  • More than one nonmonetary unit of measure

  • A combination of monetary and nonmonetary values

For example, a graph that mixes shares of stock, a company car, and fitness membership doesn't provide clear information.

If you try mixing combinations of items that use different units of measure you get a warning. You make these configuration happen on either the category or summary. Graphs with incompatible items are hidden on the total compensation statement.