Reprocess an Individual or Add Them to a Workforce Compensation Plan and Cycle

You can reprocess the data for a specific person, assignment, and effective date used in a specific workforce compensation plan and cycle. For example, someone transferred into or out of your organization after the workforce compensation cycle starts. Now, you want to re-evaluate their eligibility for a specific plan and cycle with an effective date that's the day the transfer was finalized.

  1. Use the Administer Workers task to search for the person and get a list of their assignments.
  2. In the row with the appropriate assignment, click the person's name.
  3. On the Administer Workers: Select Plan page, use the Reprocess or Add New Plan button to complete any of these tasks:

    • Re-evaluate the person's eligibility for a plan and cycle they're already participating in.
    • Evaluate their eligibility for a plan they're already participating in, but a cycle they aren't.
    • Evaluate their eligibility for a plan and cycle they aren't participating in.