Rounding Rule Behavior When You Post Back Salary Changes for People Whose FTE is Less Than 1

You configure the rounding rules when you set up the salary information columns. The application applies rounding rules when managers edit the columns in the worksheet.

Here’s how the application rounds the amounts:

  • Base Salary – You can configure rounding rules in setup for Base Salary - New, Base Salary Change Amount, and Base Salary Percentage Change columns.
  • If all three of the columns have rounding rules, only the rounding rule on Base Salary - New column is honored and the other rounding rules are ignored.
  • If there's no rounding rule configured for Base Salary - New, and both Base Salary Change Amount and Base Salary Percentage Change columns have rounding rules configured, preference is given to Base Salary Change Amount. Rounding rule configuration on Base Salary Percentage Change is ignored.
  • If there is no rounding rule on either Base Salary - New or Base Salary Change Amount, a rounding rule on Base Salary Percentage Change is honored.
  • Here's the order of preference for rounding rules. It depends on which column you've configured a rounding rule:

    1. Base Salary - New
    2. Base Salary Change Amount
    3. Base Salary Percentage Change