Salary Update Details Transaction Date

The Run Grade Step Progression process sets the start date of the updated salary. It uses the specified Transaction Date option in the Salary Update Details section of the Progression Grade Ladder page.

Here's how each option affects the start date of an updated salary.

Option Start Date the Process Sets for the Updated Assignment
Grade step change date The same date used for the assignment, which is the Transaction Date value selected in the Progression Grade Ladder Details section.
Start of next month The day 1 of the month after the effective date. For example, if the effective date of the process is January 15, 2021, the start of next month date is February 1, 2021.
Start of next pay period The first day of the pay period beginning after the effective date. For example, your pay periods are from 1 to 15 and 16 to 30 each month. If the effective date of the process is January 15, 2021, the start of next pay period date is January 16, 2021.
Start of current pay period The first day of the pay period that includes the effective date. For example, your pay periods are from 1 to 15 and 16 to 30 each month. If the effective date of the process is January 15, 2021, the start of current pay period date is January 1, 2021.
Use formula The date returned by the specified formula.