Total Compensation Statement Options

You can configure an optional summary page, estimated amount indicator, and welcome message for each statement.

Summary Page

On the statement definition Options tab, you can configure the summary page. The optional summary page consists of the following optional features:

  • Monetary and Nonmonetary sections, each containing section-level descriptive text, graphs, and tables

  • Summary page descriptive text that can include rich text formatting and hyperlinks

    Include placeholder fields for values that vary among workers, such as the first name, a compensation item amount, or work location. These placeholder fields enable you to use the same text for different workers.

  • Summary page supplemental information, such as hyperlinks to company policies and resources, which are displayed in a separate window

If you include a graph in the Nonmonetary section, all top-level categories in the nonmonetary summary should share the same unit of measure. You can exclude individual top-level categories from the summary.

Estimated Amount Indicator

Displaying an estimated amount indicator in the statement requires two configuration steps:

  • Item definition: When creating compensation items, identify whether the item amounts are estimates.

  • Statement definition: On the statement definition Options tab, specify whether to display or hide the indicator that visually denotes amounts as estimated.

Welcome Message

For each statement period, you can compose an optional welcome message on the statement definition Periods tab. In the welcome message you can:

  • Personalize the greeting with each worker's name

  • Use rich text and include hyperlinks

  • Include placeholder fields for values that vary among workers, such as the first name, a compensation item amount, or work location. These placeholder fields enable you to use the same text for different workers.

  • Use the Preview Text in Printable Statements option to see what the statement looks like with placeholders, not real-time data.

If included, the welcome message is the first page the worker sees in the statement.

Online and Printable Statements

You can configure either online or printable statements or both. Some options are available in certain statements.

Online and Printable Statements

Option Statement Type
Detail sections defined in the online statement drill downs Both
Estimated stock values Both
Display person mailing address columns Both
Include category line item detail section option Online only
Left menu navigation Online only
Links within the statement navigation Pritable only
Mass generate statements Printable only