Workforce Compensation Plan Hierarchies

You can give multiple managers different levels of access to people's allocation during a compensation cycle when you configure hierarchies for workforce compensation plans.

These hierarchies determine the primary and secondary plan managers and the people they see in their worksheets. It also determines the plan reviewers and the people they see. The primary hierarchy also determines how budgets roll down to subordinate managers and approvals route to higher-level managers.


Here are some scenarios and examples of how you can configure hierarchies.

Scenario Example Hierarchies
Country leaders need to manage the budget and line managers need to allocate compensation for their organization.

Set the source of the primary hierarchy to Other Manager Hierarchy and then select the appropriate manager type for the country leader.

Set the source of the secondary hierarchy to Primary Manager Hierarchy.

Dotted-line managers need access to people's compensation, for example, if they completed projects for these managers during the compensation cycle.

Set the source of the primary hierarchy to Primary Manager Hierarchy.

Set the source of the secondary hierarchy to Other Manager Hierarchy and select the appropriate manager type for the dotted-line managers, such as Project Manager. Or you can use a fast formula to determine the dotted-line relationship.

Country-specific HR specialists need access to everyone in their country, regardless of who people's primary plan managers are.

Set the source of the primary hierarchy to Primary Manager Hierarchy.

Set the source of the reviewers hierarchy to a fast formula that determines the country-specific HR specialist.