Worksheet Effects When You Update the Grade Step

The Proposed Grade Step column shows the steps of a Grade if the Grade is part of a Grade Ladder configured to use Grade and Steps.

When you select a Grade using the Proposed Grade column, and if the Grades are from a Grade Ladder configured to use Grade and Steps, the first Step in the sequence shown by default. Worksheet managers can change or override it with any of the Steps from the list of values. When the Proposed Grade column isn’t filled with a selected Grade and if the current Grade is part of a ladder that configured to use Grade and Steps, the Proposed Grade Step drop down shows the respective Steps for the current Grade. In a scenario where the Proposed Grade or Current Grade doesn't have Steps, the Proposed Grade Step list of values remains blank.

Note: The Compensation Amount Column you selected to post as salary is READ-ONLY for people with a Grade Ladder with Include salary updates set to Yes. Their compensation amount is calculated based on the value selected in the Grade Step column.