Archive End-of-Year ACA Info

This flow identifies all employees with active assignments and their Affordable Care Act (ACA) info and then captures it in preparation for your ACA reporting.

Run this archive prior running the ACA report processes.

To run this flow:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Search for and select Archive End-of-Year ACA Information.

Alternately, you can run it from Submit Extracts in Data Exchange.

Before you start

Make sure you have fully configured your organization for ACA reporting. For further info, see Configure Affordable Care Act Reporting in the Help Center.

Make sure your employee ACA info is up to date. For further info, see Overview of Affordable Care Act Reporting in the Help Center.

Flow parameters


Enter the reporting year as a 4-digit number, such as 2022.

Legal Employer

Search for and select the legal employer you want to archive. The flow captures the ACA info for all employees attached to it.

ACA File Type

Select either Original or Replacement.

Submission IDs for Replacement

If you're generating a 1094-c replacement file using Submission mode, specify the submission IDs you're replacing.

Enter numbers separated by commas with no spaces.

Original Payroll Flow

If you're generating a replacement file using Submission mode, search for and select the original payroll flow.

Flow results

The archive generates an audit report of all employees with an active assignment during the selected calendar year. It includes all employee-level info required for 1094-C and 1095-C reporting.