Balance Category Eligibility for Initialization and Adjustment for the US

There are four categories of balances eligibile for initialization and adjustment. Each has its own adjustment requirements.

  • Legislative balances

  • User-defined balances
  • Summary-level balances

  • Miscellaneous balances

For further info, see US Legislative Balances in the Help Center.

When identifying these balances, consider the following.



Overtime balances

  1. When initializing balances related to the overtime base rate, you must also initialize these balances.

    • Overtime Earnings

    • Overtime Hours

    • Total Overtime Earnings

    • Total Overtime Hours

  2. Perform the Overtime balance initialization for mid-pay period conversions whenever the payroll period start date overlaps with the overtime period start and end dates.

    You initialize the Overtime and Total Overtime balances with the same values.

  3. Initialize the Assignment Tax Unit, Balance Date, Time Definition Run dimension for these balances.

For example, for a payroll run using these dates:

  • Payroll Period Start Date: 1-Jan-17

  • Overtime Period Dates: 25-Dec -2016 to 01-Jan-2017

  • Go-Live Date: 01-Jan-2017

You would calculate the following for the overlapping payroll start date and overtime period start and end dates.

  • Blended rate for overtime premium calculation

  • Overtime Hours balance

  • Overtime Earnings balance

  • Total Overtime Hours balance

  • Total Overtime Earnings balance

Associated hours balances

  1. When initializing balances, you must also initialize any associated hours balances to the base balance (such as Vacation and Vacation Hours).

  2. When initializing the hours balances, the dimension must be the same as the associated base balance.

Inception-to-date balances

When initializing Inception-to-Date balances, the payroll you reference in the batch must:

  1. Exist in the previous year

  2. Have payroll periods defined for that previous year

The process attempts to create a balance initialization in the previous year. The process goes as far back as required to distinguish between the dimensions in the batch.

For example, if the batch contains only a period-to-date (PTD) and an inception-to-date (ITD), it must go back only as far as the beginning of an earlier period to be able to satisfy the rows written. However, if there are YTD and ITD lines, it uses the first day in the year for YTD and then looks for a day earlier than that to set the ITD.

Year to Date dimension

All dimension names refer only to the "Year to Date" dimension. You may need to load other periods, depending on your implementation date, such as "Quarter to Date" or "Period to Date". The additional dimensions required depend on when you perform the upload activity and your specific requirements.

Relationship dimension

All dimension names refer to the "Relationship" dimension, establishing a connection with the payroll relationship. Assignment-level dimensions may also be required, depending on the level of the element.

Dimension eligibility

Some dimensions are valid only for specific levels of balances, such as state and local-level taxes.

For example, the City Gross balance has the "Relationship Area1,2,3 Year to Date" dimension. It requires this dimension because the Geography area codes 1, 2, and 3 accompanying it identify the jurisdiction to which the balance relates.

Employment model

The payroll process calculates taxes at the relationship level, so it requires initialization of dimensions at this level. However, if you defined other elements at the assignment level, you must initialize dimensions at that level.