How the ACA Eligibility Process Updates Assignment Data

The ACA Eligibility Process evaluates each employee to determine their eligibility and then updates their Affordable Care Act (ACA) assignment fields appropriately.

For further info, see ACA Eligibility Process in the Help Center.

It uses these criteria to determine these changes.

  • Legal employer ACA settings

  • Employee primary assignment ACA field values

  • Work hours for employees with a Yes or No eligibility

    For employees whose hours fluctuate during a given measurement period, the process can consider them full time in some periods and not in others.

  • Any changes you made since the last time you ran the process

You can summarize this process's actions into these scenarios.

  • Determining eligibility for new employees

    For further info, see How the ACA Eligibility Process Handles New Employees in the Help Center.

  • Processing employee new hires and rehires

    For further info, see How the ACA Eligibility Process Handles New Hires and Rehires in the Help Center.

  • Transitioning employees from initial to ongoing periods

    For further info, see How the ACA Eligibility Process Migrates Employees from Initial to Ongoing in the Help Center.

  • Evaluating employee eligibility on an ongoing basis

    For further info, see How the ACA Eligibility Process Handles Ongoing Employees in the Help Center.