Manage Gatekeeper Law Checklist Template

The Gatekeeper Law checklist is a predefined checklist template that includes tasks to reflect the statutory milestones to ensure compliance with the Gatekeeper Law. The checklist is allocated when you create a Gatekeeper Law absence case and includes one or more absences.

View Gatekeeper Law Checklist Template

Oracle Fusion HCM for Netherlands delivers a predefined checklist template to include the statutory tasks that must be performed to comply with the Gatekeeper Law and the statutory deadlines. Use the Manage Checklist Template to review the predefined checklist template. On the Manage Checklist Templates page:

  1. Select the Manage Checklist Templates task.

  2. Select the country Netherlands.

  3. Select the category Gatekeeper Law and click Search. The predefined template named Gatekeeper Law is displayed.

  4. Select the checklist template Gatekeeper Law to review the tasks.

  5. Click Done.

Modify Gatekeeper Law Checklist Template

To create a modified version of the predefined checklist template, use the Manage Checklist Templates task. On the Manage Checklist Templates page:

  1. Select the Manage Checklist Templates task.

  2. Select the country Netherlands.

  3. Select the category Gatekeeper Law and click Search.The predefined template named Gatekeeper Law is displayed.

  4. Select the predefined checklist template Gatekeeper Law and click Duplicate.

  5. In the Create Checklist Template, enter the name for the modified template. The country name is set to Netherlands, by default.

  6. Select the checklist category Gatekeeper law.

  7. Leave the Action field blank.

  8. Edit the default template description, if needed.You can now edit the details of individual tasks or enter new tasks.

  9. Click Submit to save changes to the checklist.

    When you modify the checklist template, ensure that the predefined tasks are not removed to maintain statutory compliance. You can also edit the details of existing predefined tasks. However, if you change the target duration of a task, you must consider reducing its delay duration so that the task is allocated earlier. This is to ensure that the tasks finish no later than the due date according to the Gatekeeper Law rules to ensure statutory compliance.

Checklist Tasks

The Gatekeeper Law checklist tasks consist of action items with the following:

  • Start and end dates

    These dates are calculated using the Gatekeeper Law Start date. The start and dates are recalculated whenever absence records are added to or removed from the Gatekeeper Law absence case.

  • Task allocation and delay duration

    Tasks are allocated to the appropriate person as they become due to start, based on the most recently calculated Gatekeeper Law Start Date and the predefined delay duration. The task delay duration for each task is added to the Gatekeeper Law Start Date to determine its start date and to notify the task performer. For example, the Create Problem Analysis Start date is due to start 3 weeks after the Gatekeeper Law Start Date.

  • Task duration

    The tasks are due for completion based on their predefined duration. For example, the Create problem Analysis task is due for completion within 3 weeks.

  • Task owner

    The task owner is the person responsible for ensuring task completion. The tasks are, by default, appointed to the responsibility type Case Manager.

Allocation of Checklist and Checklist Tasks

Allocation of Gatekeeper Law checklist and checklist tasks is done when an absence case for the Gatekeeper Law category exists, and includes at least one absence type. Use the Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS) process for Gatekeeper Law to manage checklists and checklist task allocations.

  • Allocation of the first checklist task is done when it meets the task delay duration criteria. For example, if one absence exists in a case, that absence starts on 05 February 2015, and the task delay duration is 3 weeks, then the task is allocated on 26 February 2015. If the absence case with a start date of 05 February 2015 isn't created until after 26 February 2015, the Gatekeeper Law ESS process allocates the first task along with the checklist.

  • Task allocation happens only when the employee is on sickness absence. An incomplete task is suspended upon the employee's return to work and there is no further task allocation.

  • If the employee goes back on sickness leave and you add further absences to the Gatekeeper Law absence case, the incomplete tasks resume and new tasks are allocated using the recalculated Gatekeeper Law Start Date. The 28-Day rule validation on the case prevents a checklist from resuming if the absence doesn't occur within the 28-days connection period. The dates of any completed tasks remain unchanged.