Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract for Retirees

The Third-Party Tax Filing Interface assists you in out-sourcing your retiree tax filing through a third party. It provides extracts for quarterly and periodic reporting.

The quarterly extract produces:

  • Output file suitable for submission to your tax-filing supplier

  • Audit report

To run this flow:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group.

  4. Search for and select Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract for Retirees.

Note: To generate pay data for employees, use the Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract flow. For further info, see Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract in the Help Center.

Before You Begin

Complete all payroll processing for the quarter. For further info, see Quarter-End Processing for the US in the Help Center.

Report Parameters

Extract Tax Quarter

The quarter you're reporting on. For example, enter 3 for the third quarter.

Extract Tax Year

The 4-digit year you're reporting upon. For example, enter 2018.

Payroll Statutory Unit

The payroll statutory unit (PSU) you want to report upon. If you leave it blank, the flow runs against all PSUs.

Tax Reporting Unit

The tax reporting unit (TRU) you want to report upon. If you leave it blank, the flow runs against all TRUs.

Caution: Don't run this extract for an individual TRU. For retirees, the TRU represents the distribution code and not the company. If you select a TRU, the flow generates incomplete data.

Process Configuration Group

Process configuration group for logging and performance purposes.

Submission Type

  • Select Exception Late Original File for late current quarterly filings.

  • Select Amendment File for closed-quarter amended files. For this type, you must also specify an issue identification date, the appropriate reason codes, and any special instructions needed.

  • For all others, select Original.

Issue Identification Date

The date when you had enough knowledge to correct the discovered error.

Required for Amendment File submission types.

Reason Code 1 through 10

The amendment reason codes. Some amendment reason codes also require additional reason codes.

Required for Amendment File submission types.

For further info, see your third-party supplier documentation.

Special Instructions Needed

Enter Yes if the amendment requires any special instructions for the third-party provider.

Required for Amendment File submission types.

Extract Output

The quarterly extract produces two output files.

Output file

What this is


Extract text file supporting your third-party tax filing supplier.


PDF file summarizing wage and tax data by tax code. This audit report has no retiree-level detail.

Note: Depending on the transmission method you have chosen, you might have to change the name of the output file before sending it to ADP. For further info, see your ADP documentation.
Report Parameters

The Report Parameters section of the report contains the following.


What this is


Year you're reporting on


Quarter you're reporting on

Submission Type

Submission type you selected

Issue Identification Date

Issue identification date for Amendment File

Reason Code 1 - 10

Reason codes for Amendment File submissions

Special Instructions Needed

Special instructions needed for Amendment File submissions


Your US legislative data group

Report Category Name


Flow Name

Flow name you provided when you ran the extract

Summary Tables

This section includes quarterly and yearly tables with the following.


What this is

Payroll Statutory Unit

PSU you're reporting on

Tax Reporting Unit

TRU for the distribution code you're reporting on, within the selected PSU


Combined quarterly or yearly gross tax balance of all retirees for this PSU, with details for each distribution code, applicable to all tax codes


Combined quarterly or yearly subject wages of all retirees for this TRU, applicable to all tax codes


Combined quarterly or yearly taxable wages of all retirees for this TRU, applicable to all tax codes


Combined quarterly or yearly taxes withheld for this TRU, applicable to all tax codes

Detail Tables

This section includes quarterly and yearly tables with the following, sorted by:

  1. PSU

  2. Form 1099-R client identifier

  3. Distribution code TRU


What this is

Tax Code

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll tax code


Applicable state of the tax


Combined quarterly or yearly gross tax balance for all retirees


Quarter-to-date or year-to-date sum of the following applicable tax balances for all retirees:

  • Reduced Subject Withholdable

  • Subject Not Withholdable balances


Combined quarterly or yearly taxable balances for all retirees


Combined quarterly or yearly withheld balances for all retirees