Workforce Learning - Learning Management Real Time


Provides real-time information on learning items, owners of the learning items . Learning items can be of type course, offering, specialization, learning journey, or video. Metrics available for reporting include Learning Item count, Recommendation count. The Time dimension on the Learning Items folder allows you to report on all the learning items and related information for the workers across time periods.

Note: For reporting on required and voluntary learning assignments, use Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real time subject area, not Workforce Learning - Learning Management Real Time. This subject area is only supported for reporting on learning catalog items.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

My Client Groups > Learning > Manage Catalog My Client Groups > Learning > Manage Learning Assignment

Time Reporting

This subject area can be used to report on the history data.

Time dimension is linked to "Time - Learning Item Creation Date"."Date".

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns data at the grain of Event Assignment Records (WLF_ASSIGNMENT_RECORDS_F) or Learning Items (WLF_LEARNING_ITEMS_F) or Learning Event (WLF_EVENTS).

Special Considerations

The "Workforce Learning - Learning Management Real Time" Subject Area is scheduled to be deprecated in a future release and is not maintained currently. Use the "Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time" Subject Area.