Generate Form 12BA

Form 12BA is an income-tax statement that depicts the particulars of prerequisites, employer-provided amenities, profits in lieu of salary and other fringe benefits.

This form highlights the value of the payments and the taxable amount indebted to the Central Government by the beneficiary and is rendered to employees along with Form 16.

Prerequisite Information

The following information is required before generating Form 12BA:

  • Employer name, address, and Tax Account Number (TAN).

  • Employer representative information which include the name, designation, relation, and place, which is captured in the Income Tax TRU.

  • Employee name, Permanent Account Number (PAN), and designation.

Run Form 12BA

  1. From the home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Submit a Flow.

  2. Select the legislative data group.

  3. Select Run India Form12BA.

  4. In Payroll Flow, enter the name for the Form 12BA report to be generated.

  5. Select the Tax Reporting Unit from the dropdown.

  6. Select the Financial Year.

  7. Select the Process Configuration Group.

  8. Submit the flow Run India Form12BA to generate the Form 12BA report in a PDF file format.