What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person Transfers

You can manage costing overrides for a person at the multiple levels.

  • Payroll relationship

  • Assignment

  • Element, with costing at the payroll relationship level

  • Element, with costing at the assignment level

You have the option to cost all the elements the person is eligible to receive or to cost individual elements.
Note: During the transfer, when the process copies element entries, it also copies the element entry costing overrides.

By default, the Local and Global Transfer process doesn't copy the person costing overrides during a global transfer. To include them, select the check box in the Payroll Details page of the Local and Global Transfer process.

This table describes what condition determines when the process copies the costing overrides at various.

If process created this during the transfer

It copies overrides at these levels

Payroll relationship

  • Payroll relationship

  • Element, with costing at the payroll relationship level


  • Assignment

  • Element, with costing at the assignment level

Date Considerations

The dates associated with the overrides determine what the process does with them.

  • The process doesn't copy costing overrides that end date-effective before the transfer date.

  • It copies costing overrides that are scheduled to begin after the transfer date.

  • It copies costing overrides that began before the transfer and are scheduled end after it.