Processing Sales Tax

Some specific benefits have sales tax calculations performed on them if you have configured them as such to process sales tax. Sales tax calculations apply to these element classifications:

  • Taxable benefits

  • Employer liabilities

  • Voluntary deductions

These sections describe the factors that influence sales tax calculations.

Sales Tax Calculations

This table shows the calculated sales tax and whether they belong to Federal or Provincial calculations.


Sales Tax

Federal and Provincial

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

  • A combination of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST).




  • Provincial Premium Tax (PPT)

  • PST and Quebec Sales Tax

  • Retail Sales Tax (RST) on Insurance

Configure Elements for Sales Tax Calculations

The element template contains questions if sales tax applies to the element created. The default answer for each sales tax is No. The sales tax types that apply are:

  • GST

  • HST

  • PPT

  • PST

  • RST

Your answer to the template question 'Should the tax be reported separately?', determine how the sales tax amounts are displayed on the Statement of Earnings and the employee's payslip, as given below:

  • If Yes, then the individual sales tax amounts are reported as separate line items on the Statement of Earnings and the employee's payslip.

  • If No, then the values for each sales tax for that element are combined with the element's base amount, and reported as one line item.

The default for the Report Sales Tax Separately option is Yes.

The following new input values exist on the base element related to sales tax:

  • GST

  • HST

  • PPT

  • PST

  • RST

  • Report Sales Tax Separately

Additionally, the application creates shadow elements for the main elements and the retroactive elements you create, to process sales tax. The shadow elements are:

  • <Base Element Name> Sales Tax Calculator

  • <Base Element Name> GST

  • <Base Element Name> HST

  • <Base Element Name> PPT

  • <Base Element Name> PST

  • <Base Element Name> RST Result


These are the balance types for the individual tax amounts:

  • <element name> GST

  • <element name> HST

  • <element name> PPT

  • <element name> PST

  • <element name> RST

Retail Sales Tax Calculations

The Retail Sales Tax on Insurance tax calculation considers the province of employment on the tax card, as well as the province of residence of the employee. If you configure both PPT and Retail Sales Tax for an element, the Retail Sales Tax calculates on the base amount plus the PPT.

The details of the sales tax calculations for Retail Sales Tax and exceptions if the province of employment is in Ontario, Quebec, or Saskatchewan are given below for the province of Manitoba. Employer-paid premiums relate to taxable benefits and employer liability elements, while employee-paid premiums relate only to voluntary deduction elements.

Province of Residence

Province of Employment

Employer-Paid Premiums

Employee-Paid Premiums



Subject to Manitoba Tax

Subject to Manitoba Tax

Outside Manitoba


Exempt from Manitoba Tax

Exempt from Manitoba Tax


Outside Manitoba

Subject to Manitoba Tax

Subject to Manitoba Tax

Outside Manitoba

Outside Manitoba

Exempt from Manitoba Tax

Exempt from Manitoba Tax



Exempt from Manitoba Tax

Subject to Manitoba Tax



Exempt from Manitoba Tax

Subject to Quebec Tax

Subject to Manitoba Tax



Exempt from Manitoba Tax

Subject to Saskatchewan Tax

Subject to Manitoba Tax



Subject to Ontario Tax

Subject to Ontario Tax

Outside Ontario


Subject to Ontario Tax

Exempt from Ontario Tax


Outside Ontario

Exempt from Ontario Tax

Exempt from Ontario Tax

Outside Ontario

Outside Ontario

Exempt from Ontario Tax

Exempt from Ontario Tax



Subject to Quebec Tax

Subject to Quebec Tax

Outside Quebec


Subject to Quebec Tax

Exempt from Quebec Tax


Outside Quebec

Exempt from Quebec Tax

Subject to Quebec Tax

Outside Quebec

Outside Quebec

Exempt from Quebec Tax

Exempt from Quebec Tax

Workers' Compensation and Provincial Medical Liability

For taxable benefits, the workers' compensation and provincial medical calculations are processed on the combination of the taxable benefit and sales tax amounts, if applicable.