Multiple Employer Rates

If employer contribution rates vary by legal employer, you must create one calculation value definition for each legal employer, and then link it to the legal employer using values defined by criteria.

Note: You don’t need to follow these steps if only one rate applies to all legal employers.

Create Calculation Value Definition

Perform the following steps to create calculation value definitions for multiple employer rates:
  1. Use the Calculation Value Definitions task to enter the rate for the legal employer.
  2. In the Create Calculation Value Definition window, complete the fields as shown here:
    • Name: Rate name that is specific to legal employer, for example LGPS EMP 1
    • Value Definition Group: Public Sector Pension (Use existing value definition group)
    • Calculation Type: Flat Amount
  3. Enter the percentage rate for the value definition.
  4. Create a second calculation value definition (or more if required) for the second legal employer.
  5. Click Submit.

Create Values Defined by Criteria

Perform the following steps to create values defined by criteria:

  1. Use the Value Defined by Criteria task to create criteria for each legal employer that has its own rate.
  2. In the Values Defined by Criteria window, search for the predefined criteria name LGPS Employer Parent Pension Criteria.
  3. Click the criteria name to open it. A default criteria, LGPS Employer Pension Default Rate, is displayed.
    • A default criteria is needed. When adding the new criteria with multiple levels of criteria each level should have default criteria.
    • The predefined value definition “LGPS Employer Rate” will be used for this default criteria. You can define one criteria for a specific Legal Employer, and use the default criteria for other Legal Employers, or define several criteria.
  4. Click Add to create your own new criteria for a legal employer.
  5. Complete the fields as shown here:
    • Calculation Value Definition Name: The legal employer calculation value definition this relates to. For example, LGPS EMP1. (This doesn’t have to match the name of the calculation value definition you created earlier.)
    • Value Definition Group: Public Sector Pension
    • Retrieval Data: Effective Date
    • Operand: =
    • Value Set: ORA_HRX_GB_LEMP_NAME
    • Literal Value: Name of legal employer the criteria applies to.

    You can now link the rate created previously to the legal employer.

  6. Click Add and select Value.
  7. Complete the fields as shown here:
    • Calculation Value Definition Name: Name for the calculation value definition for the legal employer, for example, Rate for Employer 1.
    • Value Definition Group: Public Sector Pension
    • Retrieval Data: Effective Date
    • Calculation Type Flat Calculation
    • Calculation Value Definition: Select the calculation value definition you created for the legal employer.
  8. Repeat this for the second legal employer (and other legal employers, if required) and then submit.