Three Months Average Earnings for Assumed Pensionable Pay

To ensure the average earnings is calculated correctly, even if there are no previous earnings, make sure you have created the following:

  1. Create the rate definition as below:
    Field Description
    Category Derived Rate
    Employment Level Payroll Assignment
    Reporting Required No
    Calculate Live Rates Yes
    Periodicity Null
    Periodicity Conversion Formula Standard Rate Annualized
  2. Select the Rate Contributor tab and enter these details:
    Field Description
    Reference Date This Month End Date
    Balance Name <BaseName> Assumed Pensionable Pay
    Balance Dimension

    Set Assignment Last 3 Months if Calendar Monthly Payroll;

    Set Assignment NoCB Period to Date if Lunar Payroll

    Periodicity Set it to Null
  3. In the Create Calculation Value Definition window, complete the fields as shown here:
    Field Description
    Calculation Type Rate Definition
    Use existing value definition group Check, if you will use the already defined LGPS Pension rates
    Value Definition Group Select the Public Sector Pension rates
    Calculation Value Definition Details section
    Retrieval Date Effective Date
    Calculation Values Define the Range Items and select the Rate Definition created before.
  4. In the Element window, select the user created Element of <BaseName> Calculator Element and go to calculation factor to add a new factor as below:
    Field Description
    Calculation Step LGPS Average Three Months Earnings
    Calculation Value Definition Select the Value Definition of the Derived Rate created before.