California Wage Plan Code

You set the California wage plan code at the following levels.

  • Payroll statutory unit (PSU)

  • Tax reporting unit (TRU)

  • Reporting Information Calculation Card

Payroll Statutory Unit

Use the Legal Entity HCM Information task to set the wage plan code at the PSU level.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Workforce Structures.

  2. Click Manage Legal Entity HCM Information.

  3. Select Payroll Statutory Unit.

  4. Select California.

  5. Specify the wage plan code.

  6. Click Submit and then Done.

Tax Reporting Unit

The code you set at the TRU level overrides the code you set for the PSU.

Use the Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task to set the wage plan code at the TRU level.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Workforce Structures.

  2. Click Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information.

  3. Select Tax Reporting Unit.

  4. Select California.

  5. Specify the wage plan code.

  6. Click Submit and then Done.

Reporting Information Calculation Card

The code you set on an employee's Reporting Information calculation card overrides the values you set for the PSU and TRU. Set this override through the Calculation Cards task.

For further info, see Reporting Information Calculation Card for the US in the Help Center.