Checklist and Flow Tasks

When you submit a flow pattern it creates an instance of the flow. For every submitted flow, the application generates a checklist by default.

When you submit a flow, you're taken to the Checklist page so that you can manage and monitor the tasks and other parameters within the flow.

You can also use the View Flows page, and click on a flow to go to the Checklist page of the selected flow.

Here's what the checklist might include, depending on the flow pattern.

  • Automatic tasks, such as extracts, reports, and processes

  • Manual tasks, such as the Verify Payroll Process verification task, required to complete a flow

Here's what you can do with checklists.

  • Monitor the status of the flow tasks

  • Manage the flow tasks, such as reassigning tasks, marking tasks as completed, and performing corrective actions

  • View task details, such as a list of records processed by the flow

While working on a task in the flow, you can remain on the Checklist page or go to a related page that includes tasks in the flow. For example, while reviewing the results for the Calculate Payroll task, you can go to the related pages to review the person's calculation card or element entries.

What You Can Do on the Checklist Page

Perform these tasks to manage and monitor flows from the Checklist page.

  • Manage and track all tasks within the task flow.

    For Task Flows with multiple tasks, the Checklist page provides the status summary of the tasks:

    • Completed Tasks

    • Completed With Alerts

    • Critical Alerts

    • Pending

    Expand the Tasks section and drill down to each individual task and view the task status and take an action specific to the individual task.

    The actions available to you when working with a task depends on its status and the status of the tasks that precede or follow it. For example, if a task has completed with alerts, it indicates that the process has completed with one or more records in error status, the process has been rolled back, or marked for retry.

    Click on the task to view the process results and drill down to the records that have errors and need correction. After making the corrections, you can come back to the Checklist page and resubmit the task to process the records that were in error.

  • Validate a manual task within the flow and mark as complete, so that downstream tasks within the flow can begin.

    For example, a payroll manager may review and validate the details of the generated payments register and make corrections if any, before enabling the payments processing task to proceed. The payroll manager must manually set the status of the Run Payments Register task to complete, so that other downstream tasks can be initiated.

  • View task status and drill down to the task parameter details.

  • Reassign a task to a different owner. Drill down to a task and select the Change Owner task action to change the owner of the task.

  • Drill down to the Parameters section to view the flow parameter details.

  • Drill down to the Linked Flows section to view flows and tasks linked to the current flow. Click on the flow to view the details of the flow linked to the current flow. Use the Back arrow to return to the current flow page.

  • Drill down to the Process Results page to view all messages and errors for a task. Once you have identified the records that have errors, click on the person name to see what the error is, and take corrective action on them. You may have to return to the person's record to correct the errors.

  • Drill down to the Process Results page to access output information for a task such as reports and log files.

  • Use the Roll Back All option from the Actions menu on the checklist page to roll back multiple tasks within a flow. You don't have to manually select each task to roll back the tasks within the flow.

  • Use the Submit Related Flow task action on the Checklist page to submit additional tasks within an existing flow. For more details refer to the 'Submit a Related Flow' topic on the Help Center.

After you have taken appropriate corrective action, you can go back and use the Actions menu and mark the record for retry.