Create and Update the Tax Withholding Card

You have multiple options related to creating and updating the Tax Withholding Card.

What you want to do

How you do it

Create the card automatically

For most employees, the New Hire process automatically creates the Tax Withholding card. However, there are cases where you must create it manually using the Calculation Cards task.

For further info, see Automatically Create the Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

Update the card automatically

Your employees' HR and payroll data is interconnected, and changes in one area can impact others. To maintain data integrity, when you make certain changes to person's data, a sync process automatically updates the appropriate tax card info.

This sync process is enabled by default. Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to disable it.

For further info, see Automatically Update the Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

Create and update the card manually

Use the Calculation Cards task. From here, you can create and edit cards.

For further info, see Manually Create and Update the Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

Add default state and local withholding

Use the Calculation Cards task, and click Create Default State and Local Withholding.

For further info, see Default State and Local Withholding Info in the Tax Withholding Card in the Help Center.

View a person's exemption history

Use the Calculation Cards task, and click View History.

For further info, see View Tax Withholding Card Exemption History in the Help Center.